Quick Answers

Bicycle Exchange location: 3961 East Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, CA MAP.

Interested in volunteering? Explore our event calendar and visit our Eventbrite page to RSVP for upcoming opportunities. New volunteers can find details about our volunteer roles and general information.

Stopping by our shop? Make an appointment to shop for a bicycle or parts, ask us questions about volunteering, drop off a donation, receive service for your bike, or anything else! Shop Hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12 pm - 5 pm.

Have a bicycle to donate? Donate bicycles and parts by emailing us photos and details of what you have, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We'll let you know if we need your items and get you the drop-off details. Please do not make an appointment to drop off a bicycle without emailing us photos first; we cannot accept all bicycles and parts.

The Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange is a Section 501c(3) non-profit organization.

Have questions? Contact us.

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In the last couple of years, SVBE has expanded its social media presence to include Instagram. The regular activity on our IG page has been a great way to get the word out about some of our activities and programs, like #BikeMatch. But it has also been a way to connect with new volunteers, especially our younger members.

Our January Volunteer of the Month comes to us from Gunn High School and found SVBE through Instagram.


Shree Sandilya sorts donated bike parts at the Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange.
Shree Sandilya sorts donated bike parts at the Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange.

Along with five other fellow classmates, Shree has been repairing bikes and sorting donated parts through the pandemic and was invaluable in keeping our operations running. Shree has also been working on refurbishing bikes destined for fellow students in need of transportation at Gunn High School. 

Most recently, he and his classmates have led a bike drive in their neighborhood that has brought in over 20 bikes to SVBE. 

He’s also started a student bike club at Gunn to help recruit new mechanics and cyclists.

Although he has a weekly virtual meeting with SVBE’s Andrew to prioritize the week’s goals, the rest of us recently had a chance to find out a little bit more about Shree and his enjoyment of popping chains and ripping trails.

Thanks for all of your hard work, Shree!

How did you get involved with SVBE?

Some friends and I heard about the organization, so I reached out to Andrew through Instagram to let him know we were interested.

What keeps you coming back?

I find it really fun to learn about how to fix bikes, especially with my friends. It is also pretty cool to know that the work I do has a positive impact on someone else's life. 

Which bike stands out as the most memorable, or your favorite?

I'm a relatively young and inexperienced volunteer, so I have not really worked on many bikes before. However, in the bike shop, there are some really fun bikes that we have. There are some really awesome older downhill mountain bikes that were incredibly fun to work on, and there is a blue fixie that looks so cool.

What’s your favorite bike tool?

My favorite bike tool is probably the chain tool, just because popping out the pin is very satisfying. 

What is your background in cycling? And on wrenching on bikes?

I am into downhill mountain biking. I had no experience wrenching on bikes beside the occasional tire change and basic maintenance until I started volunteering at SVBE.

What can you share about your personal or family bike collection?

My dad is into road biking and he owns a Cannondale CAAD 8. I had a Specialized Pitch for the longest time, but I recently upgraded to the 2021 Giant Trance and I love it.

What have you learned since volunteering with SVBE?

I have learned quite a bit in terms of bike fixing knowledge and how to apply it. I also learned a lot about leading a team and communicating with others through the barrier of COVID-19.

What’s your favorite bike ride (local or not)?

I love riding Dirt Alpine! It is an awesome trail, and I have recently been pushing my luck at the Carlmont Bike Park.

Learn more about the superstars who keep SVBE rolling through our previous featured volunteer spotlights!

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