Quick Answers

Bicycle Exchange location: 3961 East Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, CA MAP.

Interested in volunteering? Explore our event calendar and visit our Eventbrite page to RSVP for upcoming opportunities. New volunteers can find details about our volunteer roles and general information.

Stopping by our shop? Make an appointment to shop for a bicycle or parts, ask us questions about volunteering, drop off a donation, receive service for your bike, or anything else! Shop Hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12 pm - 5 pm.

Have a bicycle to donate? Donate bicycles and parts by emailing us photos and details of what you have, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We'll let you know if we need your items and get you the drop-off details. Please do not make an appointment to drop off a bicycle without emailing us photos first; we cannot accept all bicycles and parts.

The Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange is a Section 501c(3) non-profit organization.

Have questions? Contact us.

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We're pleased to announce board members Dave Fork and Jack Miller are the latest SVBE volunteers to be recognized by the Western Wheelers cycling club as Lefkowitz award winners

The club describes the award: 

The Lefkowitz award is a legacy created by the late Ben Lefkowitz. Ben, formerly a very active member and president of Western Wheelers, was also a strong bicycle advocate.  The city of Palo Alto named the Under-crossing of 101 at Adobe Creek (boundary of Palo Alto Baylands and Shoreline Park near East Meadow Drive) after him. Ben gave $5,000 to the club in 1989 asking that proceeds from the funds be awarded each year to recognize service by an individual or organization which has benefitted cycling in the Bay Area. The club now subsidizes the award. The Board (or a committee appointed by the Board) makes the final selection.

Dave Fork is BikeX's co-founder and board president, while Jack Miller is a long-time volunteer and board member. 

Both join Robert Neff, Ralph Rohwer and John Langbein as BikeX volunteers to win the award. 

Congrats to Dave and Jack! 



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