Quick Answers

Bicycle Exchange location: 3961 East Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, CA MAP.

Interested in volunteering? Explore our event calendar and visit our Eventbrite page to RSVP for upcoming opportunities. New volunteers can find details about our volunteer roles and general information.

Stopping by our shop? Make an appointment to shop for a bicycle or parts, ask us questions about volunteering, drop off a donation, receive service for your bike, or anything else! Shop Hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12 pm - 5 pm.

Have a bicycle to donate? Donate bicycles and parts by emailing us photos and details of what you have, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We'll let you know if we need your items and get you the drop-off details. Please do not make an appointment to drop off a bicycle without emailing us photos first; we cannot accept all bicycles and parts.

The Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange is a Section 501c(3) non-profit organization.

Have questions? Contact us.

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(This is the kick-off entry of an occasional column by our board member and treasurer on matters related to Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange's bike donations to those in need.)

As we reach the midpoint of the year, it would be useful to take a look at our bike donations for 2022.

At the beginning of 2022, the Board approved a target of 1,000 bicycles donated out this year. This would be the highest total ever for BikeX, and targeted for a year during which a pandemic continues to rage. For reference, we donated out 782 bikes last year, and 845 bikes in 2019, the last full year before the pandemic, so this is a significant increase.

How are we doing towards this year‘s goal? As of 6/30, we‘ve donated 515 bikes. Whew, what a blistering pace! However, I hope everyone is not exhausted yet, as we have to keep up this pace for another six months.

If you‘re looking for opportunities to contribute, we‘ve resumed our pre-pandemic weekend events on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays (outdoors and socially distanced) of every month.

If you‘re hesitant about working with others even outdoors, our homework volunteers continue to repair a steady stream of bicycles; you can try taking a bike (and supplies) home to repair at your leisure.

Our Wednesday crew just recently resumed hosting corporate groups for team-building events, supplementing the non-profit groups coordinated by Mary Kelly which have been bike-fixing on numerous weekends, and numerous youth and adults we have volunteering during the week. It truly takes a village.



Our bike recipient partners have been particularly grateful since the start of the pandemic. As you all know, the number of families struggling here in the Valley has skyrocketed, and the situation has only worsened with the recent increase in gas prices. Transportation alternatives such as bicycles have new appeal. In addition to heightened demand from our long-time partners, more social service agencies than ever have reached out to obtain bicycles for their clients. We have also created new partnerships with numerous schools in both Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties to provide bicycles for students.



On behalf of all of our partner agencies, I want to thank everyone for their efforts on repairing bikes and keeping the shop running. Your contributions do not go unnoticed, and every bike repaired is important in working towards our goal for the year.

Feel free to submit feedback, questions, or suggested topics for future articles in this column to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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