Quick Answers
Bicycle Exchange location: 3961 East Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, CA MAP.
Interested in volunteering? Explore our event calendar and visit our Eventbrite page to RSVP for upcoming opportunities. New volunteers can find details about our volunteer roles and general information.
Stopping by our shop? Make an appointment to shop for a bicycle or parts, ask us questions about volunteering, drop off a donation, receive service for your bike, or anything else! Shop Hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12 pm - 5 pm.
Have a bicycle to donate? Donate bicycles and parts by emailing us photos and details of what you have, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We'll let you know if we need your items and get you the drop-off details. Please do not make an appointment to drop off a bicycle without emailing us photos first; we cannot accept all bicycles and parts.
The Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange is a Section 501c(3) non-profit organization.
Have questions? Contact us.
Past Articles
BikeX's Fourth Annual Silent Auction Is Live!
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 15 December 2023 15 December 2023
Back again for the holidays, BikeX is holding a Silent Auction Fundraiser! It's our fourth annual fundraiser, and it's better than ever with a wide variety of prizes.
We’ve got something for everyone.
Join BikeX: Summer Volunteer and Part-Time Opportunities
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 08 May 2022 08 May 2022
Are you a student looking for a rewarding, educational internship or part-time summer job? The Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange has volunteer opportunities and part-time paid positions available for this summer, and hopefully beyond.
Read more: Join BikeX: Summer Volunteer and Part-Time Opportunities
Celebrating a Tremendous 2021: A Letter from Our Executive Director
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 28 December 2021 28 December 2021
Volunteers, donors, partners, customers and friends,
Thank you for your tremendous support during a challenging, memorable and ultimately very successful year. We could not have survived and thrived without all of your generosity, flexibility and hard work.
Read more: Celebrating a Tremendous 2021: A Letter from Our Executive Director
Bright Horizon Global Foundation Helps SVBE with Helmets, Locks and Lights
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 02 November 2021 02 November 2021
SVBE is pleased to receive a generous donation from the Cupertino-based Bright Horizon Global Foundation to purchase helmets, lights and locks.
Read more: Bright Horizon Global Foundation Helps SVBE with Helmets, Locks and Lights
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation Awards SVBE a 2021 Grant
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 05 October 2021 05 October 2021
We're thrilled to receive a generous grant from the Philanthropic Ventures Foundation to help support and expand our bike donations.
Read more: Philanthropic Ventures Foundation Awards SVBE a 2021 Grant
Bicycle Exchange Tech Tip: JIS Screws and Phillips Screwdrivers - Don't Do It
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 10 July 2021 10 July 2021
Ever find the limit screws of your derailleur or centering screws of your brake hard to adjust with your Phillips (+) screwdriver? If you've ever volunteered at BikeX over the last 28 years, we're confident that's a big "YES!"
At BikeX, we pride ourselves on having the right tool for the job, but sometimes we find we're missing the right tool for an unusual project. Usually, it's because of newer technologies that aren't quite commonplace in our shop. For example, we don't always have the right hydraulic bleed kit for the latest disc brakes, nor all the Campagnolo EPS connection tools. Just last month, we bought our first hydraulic hose cutter and barb driver. But screwdrivers? We have plenty. Twenty-eight years' worth, to be sure. But are they the right ones?
Read more: Bicycle Exchange Tech Tip: JIS Screws and Phillips Screwdrivers - Don't Do It
Bicycle Film Festival Comes to Silicon Valley
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 28 April 2021 28 April 2021
The Bicycle Film Festival is coming to Silicon Valley and we're proud to partner with the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition to spread the word.
The 20th Anniversary of the Bicycle Film Festival is going virtual and coming to your home!
Dates: May 7 – 16, 2021
Location: Silicon Valley (virtual platform)
Host: Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition
Tickets: boldtypetickets.com
Selected Shorts for the Silicon Valley BFF:
Bicycle Exchange Tech Tip: ETRTO - Three Important Digits and Five Letters in Tire Sizing
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 09 April 2021 09 April 2021
At the Bicycle Exchange, we end up replacing a lot of tires on our bikes. It's a big portion of the expense in refurbishing the hundreds of bikes we donate each year. We replace tires on kid's bikes, mountain bikes, hybrids, cruisers, vintage 3-speeds and road bikes. At times, we also have to replace wheels as well, to get these bikes rolling again.
Read more: Bicycle Exchange Tech Tip: ETRTO - Three Important Digits and Five Letters in Tire Sizing
Bicycle Exchange Tech Tip: Freeing up Stuck Shifters / Brifters
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- Written by Roger Conley Smith Roger Conley Smith
- Published: 05 March 2021 05 March 2021
Have you found a bike with a set of brifters that just don’t shift like they once did? We have come across countless sets of shifters and brifters (also called trigger shifters, Shimano Rapidfire shifters and Shimano STI shifters) that get stuck and cannot reach the full range of gears at the shop.
Read more: Bicycle Exchange Tech Tip: Freeing up Stuck Shifters / Brifters
Thanks to Our Weekday Warriors
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- Written by Jack Miller Jack Miller
- Published: 22 December 2020 22 December 2020
What a year!
Our Wednesday volunteer events took a long hiatus due to the pandemic.
Once we resumed on a smaller scale this summer, we still repaired an amazing number of bikes and shared plenty of smiles and laughs behind masks.
I'd like to thank the crew who regularly came to our socially-distanced events:
SVBE and SCBE Events Canceled Until Further Notice Due to COVID-19
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 17 March 2020 17 March 2020
Until further notice and effective immediately, the Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange and Santa Cruz Bicycle Exchange have canceled all events at our facilities.
This suspends public bike repair workdays, drop-in retail sales and donation drop-offs. Some volunteering continues behind the scenes. We have teamed up with Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition to create a new #BikeMatch program, which aims to match unused bikes with recipients.
The event cancellations are necessary to both protect community health and comply with Santa Clara County and Santa Cruz County's orders to shelter in place. This follows Governor Gavin Newsom's self-isolation guidance for any resident 65 or older.
Read more: SVBE and SCBE Events Canceled Until Further Notice Due to COVID-19
Coronavirus Impact on the Bicycle Exchange's Activities
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 11 March 2020 11 March 2020
The Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange takes the threat and risks of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) very seriously.
We provided an update on Friday, March 6, on restrictions planned for our workdays, starting this Saturday, March 14th, but based on current events, we are changing our plans and guidance.
While we are dedicated to repairing bikes, teaching repair skills and ensuring those in need have reliable transportation, the overall health of our community is paramount. With this in mind, we have made the following changes:
At the Bicycle Exchange events, starting immediately and until further notice, we are closed to the following:
- Volunteer groups from external organizations
- Bike repair by volunteers who need instruction or mentorship
Read more: Coronavirus Impact on the Bicycle Exchange's Activities
Coronavirus News: Bicycle Exchange Limits Event Size
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- Written by Carol Mattsson Carol Mattsson
- Published: 06 March 2020 06 March 2020
In light of the health guidance provided March 5th by the Santa Clara County Public Health Department to address novel coronavirus, the Bicycle Exchange will limit event size and encourage outdoor work. The guidelines recommend keeping greater than an arm's-length distance from others.
Read more: Coronavirus News: Bicycle Exchange Limits Event Size
Watch the Cargo Bike Movie "Motherload," Support the Bicycle Exchange
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 12 February 2020 12 February 2020
Thanks to the kind folks at Wheel Kids, you can watch the stellar bicycle movie "Motherload" while supporting your favorite bicycle nonprofit, the Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange!
Wheel Kids is hosting a showing of the cargo bike documentary film at 2pm on March 1, 2020 at Greendell School in Palo Alto. Tickets are just $5, and all proceeds from the showing will go to the Bicycle Exchange to help provide two-wheel transportation to those in need.
Read more: Watch the Cargo Bike Movie "Motherload," Support the Bicycle Exchange
Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange 2019 Year End Letter
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- Written by Jack Miller Jack Miller
- Published: 01 January 2020 01 January 2020
Greetings to the whole family of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange!
It’s been a very productive year at the Bicycle Exchange, thanks to all of the volunteer service groups who joined us this year in addition to the many individual volunteers who come to learn and fix bikes.
2019 by the Numbers
This year, over 1000 volunteers lent their helping hands and collectively put in over 10,000 hours, including those from fifteen great service groups. We’re excited that so many people have come to learn mechanical skills while helping our Bay Area community.
In all, we donated 820 bicycles out to fourteen non-profit charitable organization partners across San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz counties who then give them to their clients most in need. Our recipient partners are always grateful for the bikes they receive.
Read more: Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange 2019 Year End Letter
The Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange is on Instagram!
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 14 November 2019 14 November 2019
The Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange is finally on Instagram! Give us a follow on IG at @bicycle.exchange to stay in touch with all our human-powered good.
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Through photos and videos on social media, we'll attempt to showcase the hard work of all our volunteers, the generosity of our donors and the refurbished bikes along their journey to those in need.
Read more: The Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange is on Instagram!
Featured SVBE Volunteer: John Garrish
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- Written by Andrew Y Andrew Y
- Published: 08 April 2021 08 April 2021
This month's featured Volunteer is John Garrish, who has been a regular visitor during the pandemic to pick up homework bikes, help with QA and lend his cargo bike expertise. John has a long, interesting history with bikes and has been an invaluable SVBE evangelist at the company he works for.
Enjoy our spotlight on John in the interview below.
Volunteers of the Month: Paul & Brian
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- Written by Johny Johny
- Published: 02 March 2020 02 March 2020
The Bike Exchange is increasingly attracting families to our program. Oftentimes, there are mothers and fathers bringing their children in to learn about bikes and how to fix them. Some of these kids are already pretty good mechanics and really get into fixing up the bikes. Such was the case this Wednesday when Paul L. and his son Brian volunteered in the shop.
Paul is a local boy, having grown up in San Francisco before attending St. Ignatius high school and SF State. He is retired now after a career in sales, during which he worked for Xerox and later for Tiffany and Co. These days he volunteers with St. Vincent De Paul’s and is about to celebrate his 50th anniversary.
Person of the Month: Katie L.
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- Written by Jonny Jonny
- Published: 06 February 2020 06 February 2020

Volunteer of the Month: Carolina L
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- Written by Jonny Jonny
- Published: 02 December 2019 02 December 2019
I love my job, especially when I get to interview someone as engaging as Carolina L. She is the latest addition to our Wednesday crew.
Carolina has done some traveling. Her father is an engineer and has moved with his family for work a few times. Born in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, she moved to Seattle when she was two, then three years later to Florida. At age six the family moved back to Brazil to the tiny hamlet of Belo Horizonte (population 2.5 million, 6th largest city in Brazil.) Three years later it was on to São Paulo, and then finally to Mountain View where she is a high school student and hopes to stick around a while.